Originally Posted by Yuna7780
I don't like science except for when we learn about the human body and how it functions, etc. I want to be a surgeon when I'm older. It'd be pressuring, but kind of cool.
I'm not in an honors science class, but I'm in a more advanced class for my grade.
Social science/history... I love it. I think it's so interesting and we learn so much from it. I take honors social science classes. It's easy for me. :3
I SHOULD be in Honors English because I literally get an A+ in English. But nooo. As I quoteth from the people who wouldn't let me in," We don't have enough spaces for you to be in Honors English," while they have all the people failing and doing terrible in it still there. I feel very degraded.
I'm going to take a more advanced AP German class soon, and I think I should be a year behind in math. I just can't do it... It's so confusing and everybody else thinks it's the easiest class their whole day...
I'm also in Music Theory. It's hard, but you have to memorize a lot and just practice to be good at it.  Even though I'm one of the slower people in the class, I actually get what I'm doing. I'm also in an advanced choir.
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack onto the topic of Lolita... I really want to take a sewing class in school, but I don't have enough time in my planned high school schedule. I might take one out of school, but it might make my week more busy... @_@
hey, at least sewing class is only once a week, when if u took it at ur high school, it would end up being every school day xD