Yours Rightfully Insolent
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Location: Happily ever after ^_^
03-04-2007, 09:48 AM
Interesting... kenjutsu is similar to kendo.., but not quite... kenjutsu is the teaching of only waza(technique) of sword work, cutting, striking and sparring. kendo is the teaching of kenjutsu with the added aspect of teaching "Do", the way to seishin-ryoku(mental power?). The teaching of "Do" encompases all the mental aspects we associate with kendo; rei-gi, concepts of mushin, heijyoushin, kokoro-gamae, mokusou, zazen and all the others. So, rather than thinking about kendo and kenjutsu as two seperate arts, think of it as kenjutsu and kendo are the same, with kendo adding the extra mental aspect. 
If there's any difference, it would be the proper cutting with a sword, and the targets. Some targets are meant to be aimed at common(fuedal) armor weaknesses. Kendo cuts to the target, merely hitting it. Kenjutsu cuts through the target - quite apart from differences due to weight, length and shape of weapon and the restrictions on what is a valid target in kendo.
For example, in one of my friend's father's dojo, they wear bogu(a special protective armor in the martial arts) sometimes for sparring, as others do in kendo. But the difference comes in the fact that in kendo, they use the bogu as targets for attack, whereas in his school, they use bogu to learn how to cut around the armor. They also custom make their shinai(a bamboo sword used for practising purposes), which are completely different from a kendo shinai so they can execute their attacks without killing anyone. You can tell a kenjutsu school by its curriculum. Kenjutsu dojos were started in the fuedal times to teach the arts of war.
Well, after all that crap, guess I should contribute my two cents, as well. ^_^
An image of a katana

And for those of you who don't know the difference between a katana and a katar, I've specially taken five seconds to locate the picture of a katar =P

A scene in a kenjutsu school, I believe..

A 3 minute video demonstration on Aikido Iaido Yawara do "Tecniche di Kenjutsu". It's kinda cool. 
P.S. If there're any mistakes in my post, feel free to correct me. 
There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.
Last edited by CoolNard : 03-04-2007 at 10:35 AM.