09-15-2008, 07:00 AM
I forgot to mention that I found a copy of the lvl 4 JLPT from last year and tried that. I was half sleep, though, but I did try it. I ended up passing it, but with a crappy score, imo. I think a 68% or something like that. I did think about it, though...if I managed to get that half-sleep, I should be able to study really hard to get through the lvl 3 one. I still haven't tried the lvl 3 JLPT from 2007 to see what my weak points officially are yet, but as soon as I get the time, I'm going to just to see where I stand with that. Depending on what I get on that, then I'll decide on whether or not I'll take either lvl 3 or lvl 4. I only have a little over a week to make up my mind anyway.