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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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09-15-2008, 11:45 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
It isn`t the "goal" of feminism that is the issue - it`s the method taken to reach these goals.
I dropped out of the discussion when it dissolved into insult tossing - but I have yet to see anyone on here who said they were anti-feminist who was actually against the textbook definition of the movement. (ie. rights for women, etc.)
Instead, all those against it are against the actions taken to attempt to reach those ideals.

No matter how wonderful the core ideas are, if the followers are doing awful things - the movement is not going to look good. Even if it is pushing toward a truly good and respectable goal.

As a random example, let us say there is a group for eliminating car accidents. That is an all around positive goal, yes? But let us say that while two thirds of the group goes around trying to actively prevent accidents and spread information, the remaining much more vocal third decides that harassing people when they try to get in their cars or breaking those cars is a valid tactic. Yes, it does reduce the number of accidents - but there is obviously something wrong with those tactics. Even if that is the minority and the rest of the group doesn`t agree with their actions - unless they step up and actively try to stop those using the guerrilla tactics, they are indirectly supporting them and allowing them to be thought of as part of their group.

That`s the problem I have with feminism. Sure, it may be "radical" feminism that is a problem - but I don`t see any "regular" feminists stepping up and trying to stop them. They either turn a blind eye or say "Well, if it works!".

I may think that women deserve equality, but I`m not going to support a group that is willing to just let things go when it comes to women. Equality is the good with the bad - you can`t bash men (validly) if they are doing something discriminatory to women, then turn around and pretend that it`s okay (Or pretend not to even see it) if a woman does something similar to a man. That simply is not equal.

Two wrongs do not make a right.
Seriously... please stop trying to redefine feminism to specifically represent the ideology of those radicals because you had a bad experience with some of them. It is lame and it makes you sound uneducated.

Instead of going to war with the term feminism why don't you humbly accept that you are in fact STILL a feminist by it's broad definition and go to war with the very people who you disagree with. Not in the name of feminism but in the name of common sense.
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