09-15-2008, 01:49 PM
"Won't be taken seriously"? I beg to differ. Nyororin makes a perfectly valid point. You may claim - and I'm still waiting for examples -- that there are corners of the "feminist" movement that don't demonize men, desire to equalize responsibilities as well as rights, and value an honest disclosure of the historical events that led to today's changing gender roles. But to the best of my knowledge they don't exist. Can you supply names?
When I use the term "feminism" you can assume I mean mainstream feminism, as marked out by the movement's most prominent speakers and as reflected in the mainstream media.
This movement claims to aim for equality between the sexes. But if you look at the things feminists have been achieving over the past 30 years, it's hard to square those things with the stated aims. They are:
• Imposition of hiring quotas for women, particularly in academia
• Enabling the arbitrary confiscation of assets from men to women
• Imposition of a Stalinist system of "pay equity" in the public sector, which essentially guarantees women higher pay than market forces can justify
• Propagation of the lie that men typically abandon their children and typically batter women
• Preventing fathers from being with their children, virtually at the whim of the mother and the courts
If feminists were really interested in equality as they claim, they would be clamoring to extend the military draft to women. I'm straining my ears to hear this voice from feminists, but all I hear are crickets chirping.