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(#188 (permalink))
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Suki (Offline)
armed with a mind
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09-15-2008, 06:04 PM

Tooooookyyyyyooo! you've got the rhythm in you, hiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh and looow, she's gonna do it to youuuuu xD!

Awsome! Loved 'em both *gives nod of approval*

That bridge in Brisbane at 3:38 reminds of Calatrava's Bridge in BCN, I'd know since I live right across the road xD! Now I'm gonna have to ask you to stop posting videos of Australia, it's bad enough that I can't go just yet without you lucky ozzys torturing my eyes with such pretty views

*walks out of thread singing: I can leeeave any day but you're always gonna stay on mah miiiiiiiiind, and you can run you can hide but this roller-coaster ride never stooooooooooops* lol

everything is relative and contradictory ~