09-16-2008, 10:07 AM
Mf@ Yes it better! For those who want it, it better! *demands*
I'm going there to visit my dad's old hostfamily. He was in the states during high scool back in the 70's. XD I canooooot wait!
adi@ Aww hunnie! T_T *puts in suitcase*
That actually means I cannot go on JF unless they have a computer I can borrow. O_O Which is bad!! *whine* But yeah.. I'm leaving on the 27th. Which is in 11 days. >_<
[ ♥<-- Jordan's heart! \(Ò_ó)/ ]
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"Well if a chick has a problem with the way I conduct myself I'd draw the bitch
a map to the nearest exit and stamp "fuck off" on her forehead." - Pot Roast