Thread: SuG
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saphire (Offline)
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09-17-2008, 12:33 AM

Around about double. This is the quick way I convert things (not totally accurate but it gets you close).

1000 yen = $10 = £5

So basically you divide the yen by 100 and that gets you dollars, and then half it and you get pounds. It's not perfect, but it's quick and pretty close ^-^

Also, Takeru's in H'evn 037 with AnCafe, and he's super cute I know we all know that already, but this has pictures of his hair when he had the bun but it was in a nice style. You can see the pictures on photobucket if you search 'SuG'. It's the H'evn Cross Talk.

I eat you. Yup, tis true. Really.

That will mean nothing to everyone, except some people who aren't on this site

Just to confirm Mitsuru, Sayo, Suzuya and Ginga belong to me on JF. Not much point in saying since what's gonna happen? But it's fun all the same
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