except it's no longer Tora's bday now.... in Japan it's now the 18th.
Originally Posted by adina
Daidai@ Me too and I almost cried reading his interview!! I knew he wasn't the happiest kid on Earth but I didn't know he was bullied -cuddles Tora-
MF@ Yeah,well Neo ordered it for me and when I went to take it they said I can't cause I need bills!! And I told that fat old lady that someone else order it for me and I have no fucking bills to show her!! Anyway .. I went the 2nd time and I showed her something that Neo send to me through internet,like a bill and she still didn't give it to >_<".-cries-.

Did I miss that interview? Tora bullied!?
um, what kind of bills?
oh... I see now why you hate him, I think.... lol