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MissMisa (Offline)
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09-17-2008, 08:35 PM

Originally Posted by SGTOkinawa View Post
Thank you for the advice, I've been told to go
to a pro salon each time, but I am a man and
my wife would be very upset, she does not do
her hair at all, so I've decided to try it a little
at a time, 50/50 HP and water...

"I want to make it lighter, so can I use Hydrogen
Peroxide to dye it blond?"

I'm going to start out slow, mix a bottle of it and
keep it in the shower and spray it on my hair each
time I get in the shower and let it soak in for 1 min
then wash my hair like normal.

I hope my son does not get into that bottle, DOH!
no just kidding he is a good boy and if I tell him not
to touch it he won't.

Okay, so 50/50 solution of HP and water, spray on
dry hair, mix it in and let it stay on for 1 min, then
rinse out and shampoo and wash like normal.

plus any more advice anyone has, oh and I've never
herd of:

'Smart Colour.'

Do they sell it in the USA? I don’t know, because my wife does
all the grocery shopping.


I have no idea how that method will work, but I suppose it's worth a try. If you only leave it for a minute, it won't do anything though. Dyes are supposed to be put on dry hair and left for a period of anything from 20 minutes to an hour depending on the type and what the instructions say, and then washed out. I don't know what doing it on wet hair, mixed with water, and then washed out will do, but my guess is probably nothing!

In any case, I have no idea if they do Smart Colour in America since I live in England, but you could have a look and see ^_^
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