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SGTOkinawa (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 64
Join Date: Sep 2008
Thumbs up 09-18-2008, 02:55 PM

Thank you for the tips and advice,...

This "Sun-in" is that the name or a type of product?

I did a Google search:


and is this it?

But seems silly, if it is mostly peroxide and water according to the feedback that I have read. I can make that myself, right?


P.S. I am a guy, I normally cut my hair really short, so if ti turns orange, no big deal, Buzzzzz, off it goes. If I get a Job in Japan, I want to grow my hair out and make it blond.



U.S. Army Retired
38 years old
Married w/2 kids
Virginia, USA

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