Originally Posted by quixote73
Indeed it is thought provoking and (IMHO) well stated without getting too emotional. I appreciated discovering a shorter, clearer term for the sort I have encountered on more than one occasion - the dreaded LBH. Most American LBH seem to be fond of moving to countries where a male dominant society has kept more of the macho traditions than wherever they came from. Fortunately for me, I have only encountered this type while on vacationing and I have been able to avoid them. And the LBH has a cousin of sorts - the OTBH (Only Tolerated Back Home). This is my term for those who are not really losers back home because of either their wealth or family position, but would be if people dared treat them the way they deserve. These I have had the displeasure of encountering both in social and business circles.
However these two condemnations are not exclusively male, though they predominate because as the blog pointed out only 4% of at least the governmental power base is female, and the business sector is only slightly better. Most of the female LBH can't afford to relocate.
(The Resident Feminist, but not Misandrist )