Originally Posted by MissMisa
Well then, there is nothing wrong with that comparison. Feminism is the equality and rights and opportunities of women, and those who oppose feminism, opposes those ideals.
You can give it all the different labels you want but I am still opposed to "Feminism."
Originally Posted by MissMisa
Aimed at everyone in general: Opposing radical feminism is a different story, and I think people are very confused about what they actually disagree with. Disagreeing with feminism is disagreeing with equal rights and opportunities of women. That is what feminism stands for. Radical feminism is a branch of feminism that takes those ideal to the extreme. I do not support this idea, and nor do many people on here, it seems. So please, do not bash all of feminism, when all of feminism, in fact, very little feminism is about those extreme ideals. The reason you see so much of that kind of feminism is because it is extreme, and the media loves obscene, extreme, and out-of-the-ordinary things.
Whatever experiances you've had does not mean that all feminsts behave in a radical manner. To judge the whole of an organisation by meeting one or two people who claim to be part of it is not the best way to make an accurate judgement.
Sorry but "Feminism" shouldn't exist. Syphoning yourself off from the rest of the species cos you are female?
Also who said anyone met only a few "radical feminists", which influenced their decision?
Yes there was a time when it was needed, just like many other organisations were needed. Now there is a saturation of "Feminism" which does nothing to help the female position anymore. The majority of people in the world know what is wrong and what is right, with regards to what rights Females should have. Perhaps it is needed in some countries but most, even third world countries, have no problem with female roles.
(I gotta exclude India here and perhaps even Saudi Arabia.)
Like I said, there shouldn't be Feminism, just an attitude to right any wrongs there are. The majority of it is just a "support group" for women who have lost boyfriends now and hate "men".