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MissMisa (Offline)
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09-20-2008, 12:53 PM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
And you can't say that is the only negative thing they have contributed to society. I can easily blame current divorce rates and trends towards a non-existant family structure, on Feminism. It ignited the spark for women to go "burn their bras" and now it has become a part of society. There is a majority ratio of women to men on Earth and most of them (in developed countries), are unhappy because they have had their fun and now can't settle down because noone wants them. Of course Feminism isn't the only one to blame in that but it is definitely one of the blameworthy.
Like it has been said, Feminism has righted some wrongs but now it only exists to inflate the ego of unhappy women.
If there is a problem with how a woman is treated somewhere in the world, then a human rights organisation will try to help. They will do something, rather than just protest and cause more division amongst people.

I already know the positivity they have done...
Also, it is the media that supported Feminism in the first place. Without the media and a specific countries backing, where do you think Female rights movement would be?
Divorce rates are up for a number of reasons. Legislation has made it easier for people to get a divorce, before it was much harder. It was expensive and time consuming to get a divorce in previous years, so expensive that ordinary people would have never been able to afford it. You could say that the change in legislation was down to the protests by the feminist movement, making it easier for people who want a divorce, to get one. I really don't see the problem in that. Feminists don't force anyone to get a divorce. They are giving them that choice.

So feminism is blameworthy because it's given people [women and MEN too] the right to choose whether to leave a dead relationship or not? Well hey, that blame is fine by me!

I've already told you, inequality exists in other countries and feminists are doing things about it now. If you really insist it's whiney women moaning about how their men left them, well, all I can say is, that's a pretty ignorant thing to say.
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