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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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09-20-2008, 04:14 PM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
Lol, like I said, there is more than one issue that Feminism has caused but it isn't entirely down to Feminism either. Can you only focus on one thing at a time or something?
Yea i'm sure most "dead" relationships are a reason for some people to leave that relationship. Then again it also gives them less of a reason to try. You have people left right and centre, doing what they want in their own selfish desire. Know what animal they're mimicing in that behaviour?
A Pig.
Problems also branch off other problems. There is adultery, sexual dependancy, teen pregnancies, more cases of badly brought up children, lack of a familial structure.. all linked to this problem of divorce rate.
If you don't see all this and how it is wrong, then you are the one who is ignorant here.
Also you don't need to remind me that MEN are also enjoying the benefits of following their base hedonistic agendas.
Noone said they weren't.

And i've already told you that feminists can't do squat in those countries. There are better organisations out there with more productive ideas who don't label themselves as "Feminists". Like I said in one of my first posts, there are VERY few countries where Feminism can do anything anymore.
Also, yes I do insist a Feminist is a whiney woman who cries about how a man left her. As sad as their stories might be, those are the feminists I see around me, not the ones who drop everything to help females in other countries.

Labelling yourself in fruitless causes, create more divisions amongst people.
Right now female empowerment is not even an issue and so Feminism is not needed in the majority of countries, especially Western ones.
If you're a Feminist Misa, why are you? Did you lose your right to vote? Did you get beat by a spouse? Did you get abused physically by males?

On a side note, most males who DO harass women, are most likely used to it since they receive the "ok" from other women. Therefore they carry that attitude onto other women, thinking it's a socially acceptable thing to do. I would say 70% of the time, they'd be right in thinking that.
I'm amazed that you're ignorant enough to tag all failed relationships as the fault of the individuals concerned not trying hard enough.

And according to you... feminism is responsible for a host of societies ills. Like what? May I suggest that you stop jumping to conclusions. Or do you think that a societal ill is one in which a father CANNOT execute his daughter for dating a man whom he does not approve as is practiced in many Muslim societies (known as honour killings).

Also people label themselves with concern to context. In a discussion concerning nationality I'm a New Zealander. In a discussion concerning gender I am a feminist. In a discussion concerning religion I'm an atheist. It's simple as that. I don't define myself with one label. It's ridiculous to give my position in relation to everything, evertime I took a stance or introduced myself to someone.
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