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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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09-21-2008, 02:51 AM

I know these weren't directed at me but I have a few things to say concerning some of the things you've said.

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post

Didn't I already say there are many other factors why divorce has increased, at least twice?
Divorce isn't "always" a bad thing, which is why it exists. However it has been a problem and there are many issues resulting from the increase. I didn't say ALL divorce is bad so don't put words into my mouth.
So why'd you bring it up in the first place?

You might as well be saying that since feminism is a factor which leads to increased divorce which causes stress and it is hypothesised that stress can lead to cancer... wait... I just realised something.... FEMINISM CAUSES CANCER!!! Aaaaaah

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
What? Who said all women's rights ideals are useless? I can't remember saying that anywhere. Hmm.
No I said that the ideals of "women" have been reached, as far as basic rights go. I also said plenty of times that since those ideals had been met, especially in the West, that there was no more need of a Feminist movement.
What comes now is a human rights neccessity, where women who are in individual sticky situations need their issues resolved. People know that treating women like second class citizens is not right and therefore Feminism is not needed.
Who decides when the ideas of women have been reached? You? What an arrogant prick. The day there is no need for a feminist movement is the day there is no distinct gender difference within society or that difference becomes trivial and largely irrelevant.

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
To summarise, there should be no more Feminist movement. The majority of people know that treating women like second class citizens is bad. They have been educated and now most societies revolve around that clause.
Feminism is not some "way of life". It "was" a movement. Anyone who calls themselves a Feminist now doesn't need to. Any cases of women being repressed can be helped without needing any sort of Feminist movement.
Feminists see a problem where there is none. If there is any problem, a group of women who are being effected by it can resolve the issue by themselves through the justice system, without taking to the streets and burning their bras. If any woman is singularly effected by a problem, she can seek help through one of the many humanitarian charities that might specialise in her dilemma.
At the end of the day if you still want to call yourself a Feminist or try and justify someone else doing so, that's your prerogative. I can just go ahead and call myself a Black Panther for all the good it'll do me.
Laws may have changed... but what about attitudes and opinions WITHIN society? That is the new battleground for feminists. Feminist concerns range from the sexual objectification of women in the mainstream media to the limiting gender roles that women are to some extent held back by. (And if you don't think the latter applies then clearly you weren't watching American news outlets during the Democratic primaries in the US when Hillary was up against Obama. I was actually for Obama but I completely agree that Hillary got a worse deal from the media concerning gender than Obama did concerning race).

And the Black Panthers are an organisation. Feminism isn't. I thought you understood that already?
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