Originally Posted by Paul11
One reason for the LBH (loder back home) thing may be because, when you live in a foreign country, speak the language, and attempt to follow thier customs, one must slow down. If you slow down to speak a second language and think about your manners, you may be more polite ans socially successful. Back home, at full speed, people tend to not think about what they are doing and saying so much, which means you put your foot in your mouth and are socially ackward, i.e. LBH.
I'm not saying this is an absolute, just a possibility and something I've experienced. Therefore, others probably experienced it, too. My wife asks me why I'm nicer in Japan and not as social here. Part of it maybe my career has changed me. But in my home country, my brain and mouth move so fast that I sometimes don't think about what I'm saying. People may be offended.
I agree with that...
I'll add that the term LBH is a subjective one and could easily say more about the person who uses the term rather than the person who it is being directed at.
If I consider someone a nice guy at home who is unlucky or uninterested concerning the ladies at home but who finds someone special in Japan (or somewhere else) then him being a nice guy means that he isn't a loser and not an LBH.
If some materialistic, status seeking, self-important person calls said nice guy an LBH because of whatever assumptions he or she jumps to then in my opinion they become the loser (or perhaps that's what Taln earlier termed an OTBH (Only tolerated back home) comes into play)