Thread: SuG
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(#880 (permalink))
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adina (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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09-21-2008, 07:59 AM

Originally Posted by NanteNa View Post
adi@ Yeah. >_<'' I know. Dun y'all miss me too much, non? : P *huggle*

Mf@ Yeah. I really hope so. >_<'' I needa keep the spammers away from this freaking place. *sigh*

saphire@ KYA! XD I'm going for like.. 3 weeks or so? leaving on the 27th and coming back on the 17th. ^^
-clings on Nan-
NOOOOOO I don't want you to go cause cause cause Daidai is so hardly online,you won't be either,what am I supposed to do?!! -huggles-

I so love the new song!! I'm addicted to that pv XDD
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