Originally Posted by ShinjukuEki
Hello Japan Forum artists and everyone else!
We were thinking about possibly having a contest to create a logo/header for a future Japan Forum related site. Once we get the Virtual Japan wiki all fixed up and some more articles in place (someday soon I hope), we are planning to work on another new site, VisualKei.com. It won't be a huge site, at least not at first, but will probably just use article data taken from the Virtual Japan Wiki to show info on Visual Kei bands, artists, history, etc.
But, right now the site is just sitting there with no design and no logo or anything. Nothing exciting! So, I know there are some amazing artists here, many of you have dA profiles and all of that, so maybe it would be cool to have a contest to create a logo or some sort of graphics for the future VisualKei.com website? It seems a waste to have a cool domain like VisualKei.com sitting there looking so ugly!
What do you think? Good idea? Bad idea? No one cares?
Remember, this is not a contest thread, just a thread to discuss the idea of possibly having a contest.
do we get free stuffs? like japanforum stickers for computers, car stickers. or something.

hehehe. a shirt would be cool!