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yuujirou (Offline)
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09-21-2008, 07:46 PM

Originally Posted by CarleyGee View Post
Hum, I thought it sounded just about right, but that's why I'm asking for suggestions ^_^
Of course, I think you should mark the mistakes so I can fix them appropriately.

I'd heard of someone making this recipe, and it turned out well for them, but I might have gotten a lot confused.

Went online, searching : Found alternate recipe


* 1 2/3 cup flour
* 2 1/2 cup dashi soup
* 2 eggs
* 1/2 lb. boiled octopus, cut into bite-size pieces
* 1/4 cup chopped green onion
* 1/4 cup dried sakura ebi (red shrimp)
* 1/4 cup chopped pickled red ginger
* *For toppings:
* fried bonito flakes
* aonori (green dried seaweed)
* Worcestershire sauce or takoyaki sauce
* mayonnaise

Mix flour, dashi soup, and eggs in a bowl to make batter. Thickness of the batter should be like potage soup. Put oil inside cups of a takoyaki grill pan. Pour batter into the cups to the full. Put octopus, red ginger, and green onion in each hole. Grill takoyaki balls, turning with a pick. When takoyaki become rounds and brown, remove them from the pan and place in a plate. Put sauce and mayonnaise on takoyaki and sprinkle bonito flakes and aonori on the top.
*makes 4 servings

I've viewed a few others online, and I see a few that are most like the one I posted in the first.
meh >.>'''
i didn't even bother reading the first recipe to be honest x]
but as for the second one~
it sounds about right
except for the sakura ebi thing >.>''
good luck finding that in your local supermarket =3
along w/ the tako >.>'''

btw =3
do you have 'any' intention of making these things that you've posted? o.O"

*mind you*
I have not researched 'any' of the corrections I've suggested
I actually make them from time to time

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