I've looked at some of the current threads in the "Living in Japan" section pertaining to jobs and I haven't really found them helpful.
I know that it's better to have some sort of degree in Japan and also teaching English seems to be a very suitable job to those fluent in the language and also interested in living in Japan, but I don't find the whole teaching others English thing very interesting or enjoyable.
I suppose what I am trying to get at is that I am curious what other jobs someone from America or Canada could get when living in Japan. At the moment, I am just interested in visiting Japan, but in the future, if I was to settle down in Tokyo or some other area in Japan, I would want to make sure that I could make a living and survive.
I'm sure others are as curious as me and would find any information useful. I appreciate the help that you might be able, so please, if you have any information, past experiences, tips, etc. Please share!

Forever Grateful.