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JF Ossan
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09-22-2008, 03:19 AM

Originally Posted by biginjapan View Post
I think a place like Saitama would be perfect for me because it is close to Tokyo. Basically, I want to live on the outside of a major city.

Why would you say it is a better deal?

Also, have you met any people who didn't do JET and were happy with their decision?
If you don't have a specific place you want to go, but just a type of place, go with JET. Put "large metropolitan area" as your first choice. Saitama is not that close to Tokyo, and is one of the most boring cities in Japan I have ever been in. I chose Tokyo, Nagoya and Sapporo, and "large metropolitan area" as my first choice and got exactly what you are looking for, a smaller city between Kobe and Osaka I never would have chosen on my own, but now, 10 years later, go and visit every year. JET chose for me better than I ever could have chosen.

And the hours aren't bad, the responsibilities are low (you are a government employee) and the pay is damn good.
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