Originally Posted by maisonxchan
Hi my name is maison ^_^ im in love with japanese culture and anime and what not. My dream this upcoming summer is to go to Toyko Japan for a week. but my parents think im crazy i try to talk to them about it and they go completely nutzo. How should i persuade them that visiting Japan would be a greater trip then going to the Carribean?
Aww dont worry, maybe one yr u all might go! I was suprised when my mum said she would like to visit Japan. We both wanna go 4 different reasons but i was like... Omg! She wants to because theres this thing called PMC that she likes and is expensive in the UK n a bit expensive in the states. Its by Mittsubishi Materials. Another thing that's funny is she who's about ganguros and she'll sing some songs like smile ichiban li onna and she'll know little bits of them. My mum is great lol. She picks up thing real quick and she's nosey lol si she does spot things!
Sorry just got a bit carried away with this post. X