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(#226 (permalink))
theAlphaDuck (Offline)
Posts: 167
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: London baby yea!
09-22-2008, 09:59 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Josh, I used to be on the same line of thought as you about this. I was in support of making Australia hospitable for immigrants. Esp. Asians because I was fond of their culture from martial arts.

Now I live where these guys come from. I am called "farang" which is a east Asian word for pretty much "white nigga".

I am all popular and people love me until they realize I live here permanently. Then the notion switches to "get out of my country".

Many venues such as Muay Thai boxing stadiums, national parks, even Buddhist temples I am forced to pay as much as 5 times more than a Thai, this is the same in every country in this region.

Want some proof:

Welcome to

Welcome To

This is the gym I used to train at. Now, you don't speak Thai, but it does not take a genius to work out that being a foreigner who does not speak Thai has to pay a lot more.

I left that gym. Some people say it is okay because they are poor and need our money. That gym owner owns the only stadium in Rangsit, a massive night club and a huge hotel... he needs my finnacial support? Those people are retards.

Not just on the big scale, but also the small they rip you off. You are a target to be ripped of by taxis who receive kick backs for bringing "farang" to shops and getting them to pay too much (things like brothels and holiday packages and hotels).

Also, restaurants and even people at small markets have special menus with special prices for english speakers.

Does the government do anything to stop racism? Well, the 2 biggest stadiums in Bangkok are government and Army operated, and so are national parks. The government is half the problem.

Racism is wrong, that is my point. But before you go selling cheap Australian land to all the Asians coming over just remember they will tax you 500% more than their own people if you bought the land in their country.

Just remember the people whose rights you are fighting for do not return the favor when you go to their country. You will be called "falang" and expected to pay more.

Don't be racist, but don't be narrow minded.

they are just jealous because you have BIG FERANG penis :P

if people get on your case....FUCK EM....

don't let it effect you... if i am abroad and someone tries to give me that "your an outlander" attitude...i turn around and say..

"damn straight...would want to be from YOUR country anyway... ytoudon't even have sterling...look at these tokens you call don't even have Sterling...."