Originally Posted by maisonxchan
Hi my name is maison ^_^ im in love with japanese culture and anime and what not. My dream this upcoming summer is to go to Toyko Japan for a week. but my parents think im crazy i try to talk to them about it and they go completely nutzo. How should i persuade them that visiting Japan would be a greater trip then going to the Carribean?
Where does the Caribbean fit into this? I pressume you're talking about the planning of a family trip? If so, a good way to persuade them would be to show them things that would interest
them in Tokyo. It would be virtually futile trying to make them go to a place that they already have an unfavorable attitude towards... So you'll have to find a way to mold that attitude into a favorable one... Or endure the horrible Caribbean (sarcasm).
It's not my place to try and sway your dreams... But, personally, the Caribbean doesn't seem like a bad place to visit. And, since you've already got your heart set on Japan, why not appreciate this trip while you can still rely on your parents to organize everything for you? Once you're on your own, you can go to Japan, regardless of their opinion.
... I have plans in Japan too (like most people here)... But I wouldn't want to limit myself to it. I'd accept a trip to the Caribbean if it was offered to me.