Lord of the Æsir
Posts: 270
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Midgard
09-22-2008, 01:39 PM
Hi there boys and girls. Do you know what time it is? It's Shinigami-sama time!!! 
That's right, it's Monday once again, and another episode has aired in Japan. This one begins the second half of the storyline arc and Shinigami has summoned all at the Death Scythes to Death City. Expect a number of new characters to be introduced during the next few episodes.
Episode 25:
Shōshū! Desu Saizusu~Fusege Papa no Jinjiidō!!?~
Death Scythes Summoned! Preventing Papa's Personnel Changes!
The Honored of Valhöll are: Acidreptile: my spiritual brother, smilexfreak7: milaya moya sestra Tsuzuki: my dark goddess,=Kanji: the eternal wanderer, Zenit: future world conquer, Michieru: self proclaimed mastermind of genius and the rest of my family in the ~+VaMpiRe ClAn+~