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09-22-2008, 01:47 PM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
You recomend Apocolypto... Fux sake...

Suki, sweety, the Mayans in that wiki are refered to as "post classic". What they are trying to say is some of the basic culture was still alive and the people still had the same blood as their idolized ancestors. However, the Mayan Empire as a nation was destroyed long ago. Post classic Mayans are more correctly just waring tribes rather than a united force.

The Spanish really only met opposition by a new force, the Incan Empire, or "Aztecs". The Aztec Empire was only about 100 years old when the Spanish arrived. I believe the greatest misfortune is that such a young and clearly unique Empire was given only such a short amount of time to evolve. Had they been left I believe they would have conquered the whole of both the Americas and even been capable of fighting back the Europeans on all 3 fronts.
When the Spanish ships got there the Mayans were the first civilization they encountered. The decline of the Mayan society had long been forecast and at that time the Mayan Empire had already lost most of its power, but it was Columbus and his crew who killed them off entirely.

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Who did they come in contact with? I can not remember any record of external influence since white men got there.
They are aware of the existence of a "better life". I watch documentaris all the time and you see white men dressed in their finest suits talking to a tribe of half-dressed people who eat insects and die of snake bits on a daily basis. If they wanted to, they could try and live the so-called "American Way". They know they could live in a world where you get biten by a snake and are taken to a hospital, yet they don't want to change their ways, what they have grown accustomed to. So, according to you, they're dumb for not wanting to prosper and improve their quality of life, is that what you were saying earlier?

everything is relative and contradictory ~