Originally Posted by Spiros
Could someone be so kind to direct me to the mixed bathing onsens?
I would very much like to go and met with some ladies there.
I have been to the mixed konnyaku onsens and rotemburo many times. They were full of old people.Probably you cannot meet a nubile Japanese lady at such places.

I am not old. In the onsen many old men laughed and pulled strange faces at me, while the old women called out to the men and tried to encourage them to come and talk to me. Old people should be more modest I think. Maybe if I had worn the ceremonial octopus it would not have happened.
Also, the 'eau de rotten eggs' is not conducive to a romantic atmosphere. My own boyfriend will not let me in his car for several days after visiting an onsen, because he says I stink.

You would be better off going to the beach. The women there wear some clothes it is true, but sometimes that can be more sexy than total nakedness I've heard.