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(#37 (permalink))
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BLo (Offline)
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03-05-2007, 05:06 AM

Originally Posted by Louiscl View Post
Disgusting. I shudder to think how it all came about that people needed to get close others who have bird crap all over their faces. I'll stick with regular folks thank you very much!
My sentiments exactly Louis. I also wonder who thought of it and what the first person to try it was thinking. How does something like that catch on ? I mean, I'm quite proud of my own mochi hada but there are some things I just wouldn't do. Once or twice I've had a bird crap on my head but I've never thought 'Hey, if I rub it all over my face it might be good as foundation', and if I did do that I doubt that my friends would be saying 'You lookin good, girl, tell me your secret so that we can all look as fine as you !'
Nope, though I do think that kimonos are very pretty, I think I'll stick with Maybelline on my face, thank you.
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