09-23-2008, 04:49 PM
You are right that you didnt specifically mention JET I (wrongly) made the assumption that was what you were speaking of when you talked about teaching English. I have spoken with many of the people at my local Japanese cultural center, and some say yes it is possible to get by speaking minimal Japanese which I dont understand because I see it as an opportunity to immerse myself in a culture and language and to learn as much as I can while im there. Not everyone is going to look at it that same way, but thats how I see it. My only real experience of this has been the 1 former JET I wrote about who came back fluent. And it wasn't that he told me he was fluent so I believed him, I have been around while he held a conversation in Japanese with native speakers. As I said before I think it's all what you make of it, so when you go to the market, or out for a drink, or have to ask for directions these are all opportunities I would take to struggle through language barriers until they are no longer a barrier. I just dont assume that since I will be teaching English in a school that will be my entire experience and the only thing I surround myself with.