Hi, so I posted one of these questions in the japanese help thread sticky in this forum yet it hasn't been answered so i'm reluctant to post my other question there.
1) Complex Japanese sentence structure.
I know Japanese is SOV but how would I add time, adjectives etc along side so instead of just saying for example, 私はねこをみました。But how would I add more to that and make it more complex. (I just used the cat as an example, not that exact sentence)
2) I want to take the JLPT, but i'm only going to go in for level 4 (possibly 3) next year because I won't be ready for the december test. Does anyone know if It would be changed in 2009 cause they said they were going to change it to N5 or something...
3) Does anyone know any good sites giving help and revision and practice papers with answers for the JLPT??
Whoa, that was a lot but thank you sooooo much

I guess they're in order of how much I want them answered ^^