09-24-2008, 01:51 AM
omg i think parkour is the coolest sport ever! <33
i vowed to learn it over the summer but never got around to it .. i'm too scared to trip or fall or something and break my face :[ plus i have no upper body strength.
but i really wish i could do it .. cause not that many people do it .. in fact most people don't even know what it is, and it cracks me up when i try to explain to them what it is: "you know in casino royale, the scene where that black guy is running away from 007 and does these nasty tricks .. ? yeah .."
somebody teach me! haha
"listen a heartless shout listen a heartless cry listen a heartless world"
.. cyclone : 12012 ♪
girugamesh. rentrer en soi. antic cafe. the gazette. ♥