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AsianAtHeart (Offline)
Linguist in training
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Join Date: Jun 2008
09-24-2008, 06:45 AM

Originally Posted by mkfuba07 View Post
I actually love studying kanji, because it speeds up my memorization of vocab that I'm learning at the same time. But the hardest thing for me is all of the conjugations that I was told Japanese didn't have. There's present positive, present negative, past casual negative, etc. I have trouble keeping all of the "-かった"s, "じゃなかった"s, and "だった"s straight. I think I just have to study more, but I can't pull myself away from kanji XD

Of course, this may just be because I started Japanese three months ago, while the rest of my class started 13 months ago... I think it'll take some tome anyways, and I agree with whoever said you really have to live there for a while to fully internalize everything.
Holy crap, did that jog my memory.
I don't have a real problem with conjugations...just the sound changing rules attached to them.

........No wait, that was the '-ない' forms.

I give you props, all my friends in Japanese class hate learning Kanji. I don't necessarily HATE it....just really, really, don't like it. Let's just say I'm better at advanced grammar than remembering stroke orders, but then again, I never follow stroke orders lest my characters end up looking like crap.
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