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Shanis (Offline)
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09-24-2008, 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by Nagoyankee View Post
Why? Why not? You can name your kid pretty much anything. 林 and 樹 don't mean the same thing, either. 林 means 'the woods', which is like a small-size forest and 樹 means an individual tree.

Basically, what words to write in what writing system is set in stone. You don't have a choice. The only people who have a 'choice' are kids who haven't learned any or many kanji. 6-year-old kids usually write everything including their names all in Hiragana. You start replacing the Hiragana with kanji as you learn the kanji. This usually takes a kid a few years.

Yes, you can write Japanese vertically, too. As a matter of fact, vertical IS the original way. Even today, Newspapers, magazines, books, etc. are written vertically, with the exception of some science-related books that have lots of mathematical formulas. So you either write everything vertically or everything horizontally in a given composition. You cannot mix vertical and horizontal.
But how do I know which system i have to use? Is there something like a rule or something that tells me which system? Like a keyword I mean

When do you think people die?

When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol?

When they are ravaged by an incurable disease?

When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom?

It's when... they are forgotten.

~Dr. Hiluluk - One Piece
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