Originally Posted by aishiteru13
i think it's just a peoples personality to be "depressed" and commit suicide.
If people only took a second to see and realize that there are in fact people out there getting killed, raped, dying of disease and took a really hard look at their lives they'd realize that their life isn't so bad
this is why pessimism is such a bad thing.
yes kids are brats
but we have the choice of taking the easy way out (suicide), or we can battle through and know that things can and will get better.
......or i'm just a stupid optimist who wishes all people were like this
I think its not a personality trait. Everyone has the potential to be depressed and even commit suicide. You just gotta break the cycle.
Its not easy to look at something else and realise stuff so easily either. For example if you're in pain, is it easy to concentrate on something else and forget the pain?
I think the attitudes of people do nothing to help people who are in real need of help. As for those who are Drama Queens, well, then what you said entirely applies to them.

Besides, its good to be an optimist like yourself.