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(#19 (permalink))
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Salvanas (Offline)
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09-24-2008, 06:11 PM

Originally Posted by yuujirou View Post
well that was a happy, albeit dull, ending.

just to toss in my two cents~

If the bloke wants to off his own head, I say let him do it.
There are going to be consequences of either action (to do or not to do).
If a loved person is suffering but still striving to live, his suffering generally has a tendency to rub off those close to him. And to keep a person from committing suicide is selfish as well.
To just let the man suffer so that you'll be quaint; That's selfish.
I didn't find the need to argue anymore, seeing as we both agreed!

Selfish or not, suicide is a choice that people make. I believe that people should be allowed to make their choices.

I understand that laws and rights are necessary, but I don't think they should restrict someone's free will.
People might be right to have their own choices. But if people started accepting suicide as a normal and common thing to do, then our population would slowly dwindle.

Then again, that's a good thing.

- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -
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