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yuujirou (Offline)
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09-24-2008, 06:26 PM

Originally Posted by Jaydelart View Post
I agree.
Sometimes what seems like a minor thing to someone else, may be a more serious thing to you.

However, although I can't say I understand another person's problems completely, when I'm not the one that has to live with them... I can place my judgement in the fact that you are ending your life prematurely.

In that aspect, I can that feel suicide is selfish and disrespectful.

Some people lose their lives when they want to keep it; Some people try to do their best to live after enduring horrible things in their lives.

In addition, Suicide isn't a choice that would effect only you. Ironically, you may be hurting those that love you deeper than any stranger ever could.
If you chose to do it in the public or even in a place that people would discover you, you could scar people's minds with the memories of your lifeless corpse (or what's left of it). And that'd be one of the last impressions you'd make in this world.

There are different kinds of suicide that also need to be considered: Suicide to "gain" something, to protect something and - what I'm talking about - to escape something.

Ultimately, it is their choice whether or not to commit suicide.
... But they can still be judged for making that choice... and they can still be wrong.

that seriously sounded like a bad thing for a moment ._.

In the shadows beneath the trees he waits.
In the darkness under the moon he plots
In the silence of the night he kills.
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