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TalnSG (Offline)
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09-24-2008, 08:35 PM

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post
1: Do kids have the right to commit suicide for such problems when we have people being raped, abused, dieing of starvation, or have some sort of lethal disease who still strive to survive?

2: Do adults really have the right to be depressed for long periods of time or (even at all) over such problems, when we have people being raped, abused, dieing of starvation, or have some sort of lethal disease who still strive to survive?
I understand your sentiment behind asking the question, but this is not a matter of rights. It is a condition they are dealing with - whether their reason is justifiable or not, does not, and usually will not, change the fact that that the condition exists.

However, neither has the right to inflict their suffering on others, especially strangers. Their actions should be restrained so that others are not unwittingly and/or unwillingly dragged into the mire of their existence which their own self-centeredness has, in all probability exacerbated.

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