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09-24-2008, 11:56 PM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
Well, I'll post my makeup tutorial just in case that will help somewhat.

If you'd really want to spend all that time with a makeup artist and all that fake jazz just to make your eyes look asian for a day, well, you'd need to find something better to do with your time!

Anyway, this is my tutorial for the VK Jrock-styled look, whatever you wish to call it, I'm not sure if that's what your going for.

You said you wanted it without the black liner? A blend of sandy colours and browns in the corner of your eyeliner would make for a similar effect but more subtle.

Possibly something like this:

Maybe this [I know it's 'arabic' but I think it'd work well]

And the Style Council one:

Hope that helps somewhat

Not everyone on this forum tries to copy asians. The majority of them don't. I think it's very sad if you want to be something you are not and you should be proud of who you already are.

Styles like VK are not 'copying asians.' It's not restricted to just Japanese people. Besides, all of those kind of fashions are heavily influenced by American and English Goth and Punk movements.
Do they have English subs for that? Ugh. I can't understand a word they are saying. Would you use products like MAC for that? I've tried that and had no luck. =[

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