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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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09-25-2008, 10:03 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Ronin, how many tools did the aboriginals in Australia have? It is about the same as what homo erectus is thought to have had based on his living conditions. This number falls shorter than 50 tools (both homo erectus and aboriginals are thought to be sea faring, yet this is not proven in either case, building rafts is complex).

How the fuck is saying that racist? You are the idiot. What is it that is so romantic for you about this that makes it so offensive? Not every race is number one. We can be lined up in an order in every manner and the aboriginals finish last everywhere. How is saying that racist? Truth is not racism you fucking degenerate. What is wrong with saying a race of people who could not even carry water when living in the dryest continent on this planet is mentally lacking? Maybe if they performed as equals in the society today you could win some concessions, but no, even with bogus land rights and twice the amount of free welfre money as poor white people get the vast majority of them still live in sub standard accomodation and sit down and get pissed all day.

Oh, wait, it is not their fault they live like this, no one will rent them any decent apartments. Never mind the fucking fact that that is because they always trash the place and dtill don't understand you dont light fires inside a house on a fucking wooden floor.

Fux sake. If you can not say something smart then just say nothing.
Are you for real????

I really have no reply to that because that is the most stupid, ignorant post I've ever read. You're right... truth isn't racism... but what you say is hardly any sort of truth.

Ever heard of cultural pluralism? You do know that the stadial theory has been proved as an outdated theory right? You do know that scientifically race does not exist right? You do realise that any perception of racial or cultural superiority is subjective right? You do realise that your failure to understand the data Suki presented caused by your lack of ability in basic math makes you the idiot right?

I dare you to say any of the above in a respected university and proclaim that as truth. You will be laughed out of the classroom and probably thrown out when they realise how much of a genocidal psycho you are.