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ff12 and nwn2 update - 11-06-2006, 03:27 PM

NWN2 is officaly crack . I was going through with drawls. more hack and slash death. good story to. I just love the screaming of people when you kill them in that game. it so great, one more level then my charater is a black guard. =) Well i was lucky enough to have my girlfriend enterian me in other ways so as i did not have to think about never crack.

ok few things to add
Gambits they are really annoying but if you don't use them you will never beat a boss monster. Gambits are Squares way of dealing with the fact that the game is set up like a MMO with out the extra players. Gambit ways of setting the ai for the non leader party members you can set them up to do cetien things before they would do and influnce how they attack in battle.
example. you can set the charater to stop what he or she is doing and use potions on all charaters or you can name a charater dirctly. and set the rule at which they do this such as if there hp goes less then 50% health.
you have control over partymembers better in the full version then the demo.
These gambits were auto set up in the demo and you could not change them also the when you gave a direct command to a party memeber it was put in there cure. now it goes strait to the top of the command que.

Things i don't like about the gambit system other then the fact that you have to use it you have no choice other wise you will just have game over every boss fight. You have to buy new rules from items shops or get them from chest. Also to get more gabit slots you have to spend your precious LP that you need just to Equip gear or a spell or ablity such as steal. from what i am seening so far I am only get one lp per creature killed. good thing is if you have 4 people in your party all 4 get one lp for the creature not just one person. but it still a pain because cause you only get to use maybe 2 weapons or spell per slot bought there a little more gerous with the armor you get 3 or 4 sometimes.

I am really thinking the game is very short story. even shorter then ffx the LP system gambit seem like they are time sinks to make sure you get 60 hours of play time. i think is really only 20 hours of actual game content.

You also get very little gil from any thing the chest treasure is random and re fills there location when you leave the area as do the monsters. monster give zero gil but drop items that can be sold or keep. If you sell them item shops open a tempory feature called bizzar where it look like they used the items you got from monster and sold to them to make speiail items or pakages. after all items are bought form the bizzar it close until you come back with more. i am not sure how this system works. would be nice to know if it random or based on the items you give them.

Bosses yeah!!! no more stage clear when you kill them =) also you get no exp no lp and no items and i have killed 3 so far from them. they have a stupid life line that tell you how much heathly they have at the top and it says BOSS next to it. Lame feature can't belive they keep that in from the demo.

damageing spells ok this one is a bit consufeing now. to scan or peep your monster you have to by a tek called libra it cost no mp and does not always work. i say it has about a 75% chance of working thou. and give you the info on the monster that scan and peep used to do.

undead seem not to take extra damage from fire any more. I did not try casting a cure spell on them yet or useing a potion on them to see if it hurts them you need all your potions just for the boss fights. libra always seem to fail on the undead that i was fighting so far. so some creatures are immune to it. from what i have seen so far fire creatures don't take damage from ice spells any more but they take if from water spells. but lighting still works on water based ceatures. so don't waste your time useing ice on flameing creature like i did. you do more damage attacking normaly.

There are 3 kinds of perverts in this world
1. Those that hid it.
2. Those that accpect.
3. Those that are Ero Sennin
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