Originally Posted by MissHoneyBeeee
why not be negative? my sister calls me fat all the time, and then i can't wear shorts/skirts without looking like i badly scarred my thighs cuz of my stretch marks D:
but i don't rly care  i kno i'll look better when i finally achieve my goal (:< so i'm totally fine with it
and ur welcome  i can't wait either, especially cuz i'll be able to feel like i can dress the way i've been wanting to for a while xD *can't buy lolita dresses online, cuz she doesn't hav guts to ask her parents* >w<
Eh. Don't listen to anybody!
You're beautiful if you say you are ^_^
Others don't need to put you down.
What's your goal?
Haha, my parents are pretty open-minded.