Originally Posted by MexDude
Join the marines and cry to them to send you to okinawa. Maybe you won't have to cry to them since is the biggest base in the world that the marines have so there is a pretty big chance depending on the job you choose to get deployed there, and once there go get married and work your way in. Of course that is if you really really want to go to japan to me that sounds like the easiest way maybe not the most practical but easiest with a small exception boot camp lol gl
What you been smoking dude? You want to get this kid killed? He signs up for the marines first place they ship him off too is Iraq or Afghanistan, if he lives through that then maybe he gets a second tour in the other region or repeat tour in the same hell hole. If he ever does make it past those tours he will be shipped straight to Iran if they ever get invaded by the US. So either way he is assured death at somepoint in your plan.
Anyway your still young so just apply for a working holiday visa. Then try and get into a construction firm while over there and take it from that. If your desperate to live there then find a nice girl while on the visa and marry her (if your ultra ultra desperate, find a older woman who is deperate to have children, give her what she wants in exchange for marriage, all depends on your moralls though).
Like you say almost nothing is impossible, it just means you have to spend more time, money and effort on it than anyone else is willing to.
Good luck to ya kid.