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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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09-26-2008, 04:46 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Why does everyone always want to argue about what a word means, even though it changes the argument not the least. I don't have to say race, it is just easily understood that way. If you do not want to use that word then lets just replace every time I used it with the words "genetic traits passed and formed through isolated breeding"... or can I stick with saying "race" instead of that... I think I will. None of it changes the least of what I have said, either.

As for the rest of your BS. Okay, saying my statistics are wrong, that the probability of a African being faster in running than and Indonesian is an incorrect assumption. This may be like saying just because a man has a black father and a black mother it does not mean he will be a black child, because, of course "triats are not genetic" as we all know. You fucking goof brain.

Stadial: Stadial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If it has nothing to do with big winters then what is it?

There is such a thing as superior genetics, you are just an idiot, again. But you have to put them in their field to decide what is superior. It is the reason I suck at running but excel at lifting weights, it is genetics. If someone were to say why I suck at running (and they have) it would not be incorrect to say it is inferior genetics.

It is not uncommon, also, for children to excel in similar physical and mental abilities as their parents. Not only looking and sounding the same, but also thinking and performing the same. It is passed through a blood line. Some blood line holds weight over others, hence; the grey hound out runs the mastif (yet not every hound will be champion), the Arabian horse out runs the mustang (yet not every Arabian steed will be fastest), the African out runs the Indonesian (yet not every Indonesian will be slow). This is not an uncommon thing, and it borders on the line between scientific and common sense; something you seriously lack.

If you do not understand that long periods of isolated breeding can result in specific traits, both mental and physical, then you are not worth talking to.

This conversation is over, do not troll me again.
An explanation of stadial theory

Sociocultural evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your argument is so incoherent that I could barely understand a word you just said. You have demonstrated a lack of knowledge of genetics and your pseudo-scientific rant is terribly similar to the beliefs which a certain Adolph Hitler based his final solution of off. Your ignorance astounds me.

I will make a couple of points in response.

-Humans haven't evolved into sub-species like dogs have idiot. Read the information I give you next time. It states in one of the websites I gave you that NO human society has been isolated enough long enough to develop into a subspecies. This includes aborigines.
-Saying that parents pass on their genes to children is supposed to explain what exactly?