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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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09-26-2008, 10:01 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
No, dogs are not sub species. As Noodle and Ivon pointed out very clearly to me; they are in no way genetically different from wolves, they have not evolved one bit, technically. The difference is due to isolated breeding lines that highlight individual features. Like two blonde people giving birth to other blondes. If they never breed with a dark haired then they will never produce that feature.

And we are the same. But some dogs are smarter than others. And you will loose all your money betting on a poodle that was meant as a gag at the hound races. Idiot.

Why don't you come back with some common sense, or at least give me a single answer as to why 90% of the aboriginal race has turned out a social failure in the new world regardless of free land for development and industry and obscene welfare assistance?

Maybe you should also look up the definition of subspecies before you post a reply that is completely wrong. Different types of dog are categorized as subspecies because genetic distinctions can be made between these differences. We've already been over the fact that there is as much genetic variation within a race as there is between races therefore race cannot be defined along genetic lines (meaning the differences between a poodle and a greyhound cannot be compared with the differences between a white person and an aboriginal).

The current plight of the aborigines can be explained via circumstance and history. As to your assertions that even before the arrival of the white man in Australia they remained technologically stagnant? Well I don't have an answer for that one (though MY common sense says circumstance is the reason for that also).

It wasn't due to inferior genes and that's a scientific FACT.