Originally Posted by Keaton421
You obviously don't understand how the military works.
Japan, Korea, and Germany are non-combat posts.
Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. are deployments.
You can go to Japan or Hawaii as easily as you can be based in Gary, Indiana
"Assured death at some point?" Words of a coward. Ever heard of a "veteran"? You're more likely to be killed on a late night pizza delivery than you are covered in armor, bristling with firepower, in a team of highly tactical men, physically and emotionally trained to watch your back, whatever the cost. And there are plenty of non-combat jobs.
The fallacy you have of the military shipping you off as often as possible is pretty funny as well.
Let's see, your suggestion vs. mine. Knock up a desperate woman in exchange for a marriage visa, or take the steps needed to protect your country, so that your ill-informed countrymen can joke and trash talk you behind your back. 
How much do you know about how the military works? I served for several years myself.
Your odds of ever walking around "covered in armor, bristling with firepower..." are not that high. 9 out of 10 jobs in the military are non-combative. Most of the men watching your back may be "tactical", others may be only a step or two removed from "mentally challenged". The military sees all types, but that is one of it's best points.
Most "soldiers" only handle a rifle once each 6 months when they have to qualify with it. The rest of the time they work 9 to 5 jobs like anyone else, the only obvious difference is the fact that they have to wear uniforms.