Originally Posted by XjhonnyX
Ya thats true but most of them were kind of based off it, like in 8 Squall ends of falling for Rinoa... then she like saves him *total chick flick (so jk)* Then in 9 Zidane falls in love with Garnet.... another one, and 10 10-2 are total love flicks.... But in the end kthey're ok... has anyone gotten FF12 yet.. I got it and i sware on my soul that its based off the FF7 world, like the life stream and you acutally hear the FF7 opening theme for the menu, on the opening theme menu for FF 12 *if that makes any since*. but ya for some odd reason its liek based off it or something, liek in the past or futrue... i have no clue *cries*
ff12 is based off of FF tactics that the world it take place in. the music is from ff1 and it has been used in every ff up to 8. It the main FF theme and the other song you hear is from ff1 also it called light warriors and it was used in almost ever ff up 7. oh another thing to update on ff12 mogles have a sickly cute look. they are to cute i we will see them in every girls room ever now. The actual game reminds of of FF6 the most espeical considering how far i am in to it now ther are things poping up that make me think it a cross world for FFT and FF6. the main plot it is not a love story in this one it is going to have an element of it. but it more about boy become pirate to save his country.