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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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09-27-2008, 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
The aboriginals have been isolated from the rest of the world for longer than the blood lines of dogs have been around. The reason dogs varied so much is due to specified and directed breeding by us. Do you actually have proof that different dogs have altered DNA? Or is this just another you say so thing?

Also, do you know what it takes to make a new breed of dog? Well, lately it became fashion to croos labs with poodles, to make a "labradoodle". It was rejected as a new breed at first, but popularity got it officialized. And this is from years of isolated breeding that makes a genetically different sub species? That takes a bit longer than 3 years of breeding, Ronin. That is like Lions and Tigers, and takes tens of thousands of years.

I don't really think it matters, anyway. There is no denying the aboriginals in Australia are being given such excessive amounts of rights and money benefit and free land, yet they are unable to utilize any of it.

There is no denying that isolated breeding changes people. It gives a visually different appearance, and physical performance is also different. I also say mental performance is different, too, and this is evident from what I have said, and what is wrong with that? The brain is another part of the body. It works from muscle memory. The reason children have mobiles above their cotts with bright colors is to stimulate their brain and help it develop. This is true throughout your whole life, and the more you stimulate your brain the better it functions and the stronger it gets. Then this trait is passed on to the person childrens (this is just like breeding dogs; we are building people to be smart and they are breeding, thus passing on the smart gene. Yet a German shepard ended up so excessivly smarter than the bulldog because this trait was targeted through breeding, and it was successful in making a smart dog. How will you ghet a smart animal if you nerver encourage intelligence? this is not a complex thing). Aboriginals will catch up, just like the Africans almost have. In the US some Universitys give an extra few marks to black people so they can have diversity in the school. But the average of Africans as smart as the white people is catching up, this is because they have been living in complex society, if only as slaves, for quite some time now. Whilst the best performing countries are the ones that have been living like this for thousands of years, that is Asians and Europeans.

You say it is history and culture, but that is not true. You are just sentimental to this because you are some left wing obsessor or something. It is statistics, Ronin, and they don't lie. You can not say it is fact that they are not genetically worse off at some things. That is another you say so thing. It is no denying Indonesians are genetically disadvantaged at weight lifting, that is what is fact, and it is also fact that aboriginals are poor at social functioning in a complex and developed world. We can argue as to why, but like you say, it is history. They have not had the chance to develop, and their brains have not developed for the task, they will take time to catch up.
You're a flat out liar and you're making up bullshit masking it as pseudo science. I have nothing more to say.

Again... I dare you to enter a university and say the things you've just said. You'll be laughed/kicked out the door.

I've made my points.

You're a fuckwit. I am going to campaign to get you banned for your outrageous comments.