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SSJup81 (Offline)
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09-28-2008, 01:18 AM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
Well you definitely need to take more initiative it seems, from what you've told me. I dunno, not trying to be mean but you do seem quite passive.
Kind of hard to get jobs when people aren't hiring or they go for experienced people since it costs the company money to train or they feel safer with someone more experienced in the field as opposed to someone who's relatively new. (This is why I get annoyed with the "experience" argument that was constantly used against both Obama and Palin).
Perhaps you should do some sort of diploma or course that can get you into a job and onto the ladder.
I'm already working on my Bachelor's. Besides, I already have diplomas from other places that didn't help me at all. As for the Bachelor's, I'm almost done with it.
Do you think that would help ? What if you and a friend or two share an apartment?
Only problem with this, is that I'd have to have a stable job. Every job I've had, I was treated as if I were expendable and I didn't have health benefits or vacation or even sick time. If I missed work for any reason, I didn't get paid. That is not stability. I would never move into a new place where there's no stability in whatever job I have. Just call me overly cautious. It's embarassing to be stuck at home, but it's even more embarassing, imo, if you move out and then have to end up moving back.

That aside, with the exception of maybe a couple of friends, seems most are in the same boat. Stuck with family because of the job issues or just can't afford a decent place and would need too many roomates just to pay the rent. Some apartment prices are so high, it'd be simpler to just go by a house for what they want a month.

My ex has his mother living with him since she's diabled, and they have to pay a little over $1000/month for their way too small apartment for that price, but he pays most of it, so he's always broke, and, ironically, that's a discount price.
If not that then just move. I'm sure you'll be able to find a job in that huge country of yours
There's still that issue of having the money to do so, which I don't have since I can't find a job in a place where people are losing them left and right and then competing with those people to get any that do become available. Just recently, it was mentioned on the news that a place is about to close here and 500 people at said company are going to be out of work soon. That's 500 more people I'll be competing with in my city for work.

That aside, we seem to be heading towards a recession. Can't give people jobs, if the jobs aren't there to give. You should see our want ads here. They're getting so thin it's not funny.
I personally don't mind taking my time with a job cos I just don't wanna be tied down in that way at all. I wanna learn all I can and do as much as I can and not be dependant on anything.
Aside from food and board now since I finished my last job, I'm not all that dependent on my folks, even though it bugs me I have to rely on them for that. Usually, whenever I did manage to get a job, I'd pay utilities and rent in a "subsidized" type way, but right now, I've just been using my credit card for everything. Big mistake, I know, but now I'm close to maxed out on that, so I am now at the point where I do have to fully rely on them and scrape some cash together to make a payment for the month. -_-;
Even though I can have a full time job, I actively don't want one. Always part time with good money and hours I can choose. That's why i'm a freelancer.
I don't think I'd like freelancing much by itself. There's not much security there, imo. I'd freelance on the side along with a full time job, but I wouldn't solely rely on it. That aside, I've looked into freelancing multiple times, I still don't understand how one can get started with it. I wish I could freelance but I don't know the ropes of it. Any advice or words of wisdom (I guess in a PM since I did take this OT) would be highly appreciated.

Last edited by SSJup81 : 09-28-2008 at 01:22 AM.
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