09-28-2008, 03:55 AM
I found the YH named "Akita-Youth-Pal"
交通: JR秋田駅より、バス・寺内経由土崎線又は通町経由将軍� ��線で20分)、秋田県青少年交流センター下車、徒歩5分� ��
access:from JR akita station, take bus( "Terauchi-keiyu Tuchizaki line" or"Michimachi(?)-keiyu shogun-no line" for 20 min.) and get off at "Akitaken seishou-nen kou-ryu center" busstop, then walk for 5min.
Akita station to YH:5.5km meybe about 1000 yen byTAXI
If you take airport bus to Akita city, you d better get off at "Kencho,Shiyakusyo mae";on the way from Akita station to "Akita-ken seishou-nen kou-ryu center" busstop
Last edited by minminRW : 09-28-2008 at 04:12 AM.